Top Fundraisers with Standout Matching Gift Success

5 Fundraisers with Standout Matching Gift Success

Double the Donation works with thousands of clients in the nonprofit and educational fundraising spaces. And just about all of our clients have seen significant matching gift success when employing our tools!

In this post, we wanted to spotlight a few standout examples of impactful matching gift strategies from top fundraisers. These include:

  1. Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
  2. The Greater Boston Food Bank
  3. Southern California Public Radio
  4. Humane Society International
  5. Marietta College

As we explore tried-and-true practices exemplified by these notable organizations, make a note of the strategies you can leverage in your own team’s matching gift fundraising efforts.

Matching gift success story: LLS

Matching Gift Success Story #1: Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Founded in 1949, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is one of the largest medical research organizations in the world. With a specific dedication to blood cancer treatment, the nonprofit averages over $285 million in annual contributions and has funded more than $1.6 billion in groundbreaking advancements.

LLS also hosts a few of the largest peer-to-peer-focused nonprofit fundraising events. This includes its Light the Night Walk, which collects more than $70,000,000 from over 1 million participants each year.

And a significant portion of their workplace giving fundraising has been made available through corporate matching gifts programs!

Matching Gift Facts and Figures

  • LLS began leveraging Double the Donation’s matching gift automation platform in June 2017.
  • Since getting started with Double the Donation, the organization increased its matching gift revenue year-over-year by more than 48%, bringing in an additional $3.4 million through corporate matching for the cause.
  • More than 1,500,000+ LLS donors interact with Double the Donation tools throughout and following the donation process itself.

Let’s take a look at some of the main functionality leveraged by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in regard to their matching gift growth:

  • Email domain screening and streamlined search tool on donation forms to identify match-eligible gifts;
  • Detailed matching gift program results and forms on donation confirmation/thank-you page;
  • Automated messaging to match-eligible and unknown donors with customized email sending logic, branding, sending domain (from, subject lines, graphics, and more;
  • Matching gift plugin across multiple websites and forms;
  • Outbound calling to top match prospect opportunities;
  • Custom sending limits for major and recurring gifts;
  • Top-notch data security measures, including data encryption, intrusion detection software, intrusion penetration software, multi-factor logins, malware detection, and vulnerability scanning;
  • Full CRM sync to make the most of donor data collected through matching gift strategies.

Want to see it in action? View Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s matching gifts page here:

LLS matching gift page

Matching gift success story: Greater Boston Food Bank

Matching Gift Success Story #2: The Greater Boston Food Bank

The Greater Boston Food Bank was founded in 1981 and has since grown into the largest hunger relief organization in all of New England. Through free mobile markets, SNAP assistance, forward-thinking research, and more, GBFB empowers those struggling with food insecurity in Eastern Massachusetts.

With over 80,000 donors annually supporting their efforts, the Greater Boston Food Bank brings in more than $175 million in total revenue each year.

Matching Gift Facts and Figures

  • The GBFB saw a 56% increase in its annual matching gift revenue after getting started with Double the Donation’s automated solution.
  • In their first year using the tools, GBFB matching gift revenue grew from $1,188,585 to over $1,853,036⁠—a difference of more than $660,000.
  • Over $790,000 worth of match-eligible dollars were identified by Double the Donation’s software in a twelve-month period.

Here are the primary components of our matching gift solution employed by the Greater Boston Food Bank:

  • Email domain screening and streamlined search tool on donation forms, which enables the organization to quickly and easily uncover match opportunities;
  • Full, company-specific matching gift program guidelines and links to request forms automatically populating on donation confirmation pages;
  • Custom restrictions and email logic, and organization-specific sending domain, providing a targeted outreach experience for each donor;
  • Automated donor segmentation by match eligibility (likely match-eligible, likely match-ineligible, unknown eligibility) with personalized next steps for each type.

See what they’re doing to drive success! View The Greater Boston Food Bank’s matching gifts page here:

Greater Boston Food Bank matching gift page

Matching gift success story: SCPR

Matching Gift Success Story #3: Southern California Public Radio

Southern California Public Radio (SCPR) is a member-supported public media network operating multiple radio stations in the Southern California region. Its primary station (formerly known as KPCC and since re-branded as LAist 89.3) is a non-commercial educational radio provider.

Together, the network of stations reaches more than 800,000 listeners, with a goal to provide high-quality news and other informational content to its audiences. SCPR has a total annual revenue of over $40 million through individual and corporate contributions alike.

Matching Gift Facts and Figures

  • Southern California Public Radio saw a 55% increase in matching gift revenue after employing Double the Donation’s automated solution to increase awareness of match opportunities among donors.
  • More than 75,000 SCPR donors interact with Double the Donation technology, from the company search tool and program guideline plugin to follow-up emails and submission portal links.

Here’s how SCPR is using Double the Donation to drive more matching gifts to completion:

  • Multiple donor screening methods to identify and follow up on available matches⁠—including email domain screening and our matching gift database search tool;
  • Full matching gift company guidelines available on gift confirmation screens, providing details such as minimum and maximum donation amounts, match ratios, qualifying nonprofit and employee types, submission deadlines, and links to request forms;
  • Automated and custom-branded email messaging for match-eligible and unknown donors;
  • Personalized donor experiences, encouraging supporters to take outlined next steps and pursue matching gifts using custom email sending logic;
  • Access to matching gift search tool plugin across multiple website domains and online giving forms, ensuring donors have easy access to the information they need;
  • Custom sending limits for recurring and major gift donors, complete with email blocklist and unsubscribe functionality;
  • High levels of data security, including data encryption, IDS, IPS, multi-factor login, and malware and vulnerability scanning to keep donor information safe and secure.

See for yourself! View Southern California Public Radio’s matching gifts page here:

SCPR matching gift page

Matching gift success story: Humane Society International

Matching Gift Success Story #4: Humane Society International

Since 1991, Humane Society International (also known as HSI) has served in the animal welfare space to promote positive relations between humans and animals across the globe. With an annual revenue nearly totaling $24 million, HSI leverages individual donors, corporate support, and more to make a difference in the lives of creatures everywhere.

Matching Gift Facts and Figures

  • HSI saw an increase of more than 17% in its matching gift revenue year-over-year by employing Double the Donation’s fully automated solution.
  • $234,000+ match-eligible donations were identified in the first year using matching gift automation.
  • Over 68,000 matching gift emails were sent in a twelve-month period⁠—including matching gift program guidelines, submission reminders, and more.

Specifically, Humane Society International leveraged Double the Donation to enable:

  • Easy match-eligible donor identification (through email domain screening, donation form search tools, etc.);
  • Detailed matching program guidelines and next steps, providing easy access to company match criteria, deadlines, and submission instructions;
  • Automated matching gift messaging, such as program eligibility and reminders;
  • Customized email functionality (e.g., sending logic, limits and restrictions, sending domains, subject lines, image branding, and more) to ensure personalized donor communications;
  • High-level data security measures (including encryption, intrusion detection, and vulnerability scanning).

Take a look for yourself⁠—click here to see Humane Society International’s matching gifts page:

Humane Society International matching gift page

Matching gift success story: Marietta College

Matching Gift Success Story #5: Marietta College

Established in 1835 in Marietta, Ohio, Marietta College is a private liberal arts school. Offering more than 50 undergraduate and graduate majors, Marietta College provides focus areas across arts, sciences, humanities, and more.

All in all, the college receives over $70 million in annual revenue per year, with nearly $46 million coming from tuition and fees and more than $22 million from donor funding and grants⁠—including corporate matching.

Matching Gift Facts and Figures

  • Marietta College identified more than $40,000 in match-eligible donations in the first year of using Double the Donation.
  • The school boasts an open rate of 60% for their automated matching gift emails, which is approximately three times the industry average open rate of 20%.

Here’s how Marietta College and Double the Donation teamed up to maximize matching gifts with these key features:

  • Corporate email domain screening and donation form search fields to collect employment information;
  • Complete match results auto-populating through confirmation screens, email follow-ups, and match page searches;
  • Customization of email sending logic, company restrictions, message sending limits, email domains, subject lines, and more.
  • Automated email follow-ups for donors identifies as match-eligible, match-ineligible, and unknown employment status, providing detailed next steps and actionable insights to drive matching gifts.

Get schooled! View Marietta College’s matching gifts page here:

Marietta College matching gift page

Wrapping Up

Most nonprofits receive some amount of matching gift revenue even without a dedicated plan in place. However, a much smaller percentage of organizations have a well-thought-out strategy with the tools to implement it. Ultimately, the latter group comprises those that are making the most of the opportunity at hand.

When you take a long look at these groups (such as those highlighted above), you can uncover the practices that produce standout matching gift success. Then, begin emulating such tips and tricks in your own team’s efforts with strategic matching gift training and access to innovative technology. And Double the Donation is here to help!

Double donations with our matching gift marketing plan template

Interested in learning more about matching gift fundraising and how your nonprofit can maximize revenue through the source? Check out our other educational resources below:

Bring matching gift success to your own organization with Double the Donation