Check out our list of top donation buttons to learn about the best option for your nonprofit!

Top 10 Donation Buttons to Raise More Funds Online

As more and more nonprofits are focusing their fundraising efforts towards online campaigns, the versatility and functionality of donation buttons has grown.

The features required of these buttons have shifted as online fundraising has increased in popularity, but how can you know which product is right for your nonprofit’s needs?

We’ve chosen 10 of our favorite online donation buttons and explained the best features, so you can choose which donation button is right for you.

Use the navigation tool below to make finding what you need even easier.

  • Double the Donation – best matching gifts donation button
  • Fundly – best crowdfunding donation button for groups
  • DonorBox – best recurring gifts donation button
  • Snowball – best text-to-give donation button
  • Bonfire – best merchandise fundraising donation button
  • Qgiv – best all-in-one online donation button
  • Donately – best custom donation form builder
  • iDonate – best donation button for large nonprofits

If you’re ready to learn more, let’s get started!

Double the Donation is a top donation button provider.

Double the Donation – Best Matching Gifts Donation Button Add-On

Donation Button Overview:

Double the Donation offers a powerful corporate philanthropy database for your nonprofit, so that your donors can be made aware of their employer’s matching gifts policy.

Double the Donation offers two options: one is a widget included directly on your website or donation page, and the other is a webpage hosted by Double the Donation, branded to your website, that offers the same information.

Double the Donation’s easily accessible matching gifts database makes every donation button twice as effective.

Standout Features:

Because Double the Donation’s database can be included right where your donation button is, donors are encouraged to follow up with their employer about matching gifts and maximize the impact of their donation for your nonprofit.

The database is frequently and rigorously updated, so you never have to worry about having out-of-date or incorrect information.


Double the Donation takes your matching gifts strategy to the next level by making the necessary information easily accessible for all.

Double the Donation can make any donation button more effective.

Fundly is a top donation button provider.

Fundly – Best Crowdfunding Donation Button for groups

Donation Button Overview:

Fundly’s easy-to-use crowdfunding platform is a great way for both individuals and nonprofits to raise money for a good cause. This donation tool is shareable on many social media platforms, is mobile-optimized, and allows you to keep supporters updated easily.

Standout Features:

We love that with Fundly, you can add personalized messages, photos, and videos to your crowdfunding page. You can even update your friends with a blog-like style of posting, which you can do from anywhere with the free Fundly app!

Fundly’s support system is also stellar: they help you set up your campaign, and are available all the way through till the end.


If you’re looking for a socially-driven donation button tool to help you reach your goals, Fundly is the platform for you.

Use Fundly's donation buttons to maximize your crowdfunding success.

DonorBox is a top donation button provider.

DonorBox – Best Recurring Donor Donation Button

Donation Button Overview:

DonorBox is an online donation button provider that allows you to embed their donation widget directly onto your page or create a dedicated donation page with your nonprofit’s branding.

With their donation pages, you can pre-fill custom amounts with descriptions so donors know what their donation does, offer multiple language options, and include employer donation matching information.

Standout Features:

With DonorBox, your recurring donors maintain full control over their relationship with your nonprofit. DonorBox also offers donors the option to cover processing fees, and their donation buttons are optimized for all sizes of browsers.


DonorBox is a great donation button provider for nonprofits who are looking to prioritize their recurring gift donor retention strategy, as well as those who need the option to have their donation buttons in multiple languages.

DonorBox's donation button is versatile and easy to use.

Snowball is a top donation button provider.

Snowball – Best Text-To-Give Donation Button

Donation Button Overview:

Snowball offers an innovative two-tap solution to nonprofits so that donors are less likely to abandon the donation process partway through. From their phones, mobile users can select the amount of money that they want to give and then confirm their donation through an email.

Their text-to-give and peer-to-peer solutions are also just as easy to use and secure for donors.

Standout Features:

In addition to their fabulously simple method of completing their donations, the donation buttons that Snowball offers are fully customizable to your nonprofit’s branding.

Snowball also keeps track of all of your donation data, so that you can manage your donor and donation information while assessing your progress towards your fundraising goals.


Snowball’s inventive and simple donation button is a great feature for anyone who is ready for a more intensive mobile donation campaign.

Snowball's two-tap system makes their donation buttons super simple.

Bonfire is a top donation button provider.

Bonfire – Best Merchandise Fundraising Donation Button

Donation Button Overview:

Bonfire combines merchandise selling with fundraising through their unique online donation button. With Bonfire, you create your t-shirt design, choose your profit margin and customize your donation page, and then start your campaign!

Because Bonfire puts the donation button on the same page as the purchase button, supporters of your campaign can help your cause both through buying your t-shirt and donating directly to your cause.

Standout Features:

The best part about Bonfire is that there is no inventory necessary. Bonfire prints and ships your shirts after they’ve been ordered, so there’s no chance of your campaign running out of t-shirts.

Bonfire also offers empathetic and helpful support through their “Happiness Team”, who are happy to help make sure your fundraiser is successful.


Bonfire’s combination of effective donation button and fun merchandise options are a great fundraising option for nonprofits looking to raise funds while rewarding their supporters.

Bonfire's combination of donation buttons and merchandise fundraising is super effective.

Qgiv is a top donation button provider.

Qgiv – Best All-In-One Online Donation Button

Donation Button Overview:

Qgiv provides nonprofits with the software they need to run all kinds of fundraising campaigns, from online donation buttons to peer-to-peer fundraising pages to handheld kiosks for fundraising events.

Their team provides support for your nonprofit as you build your donation forms and start your campaign, and the software easily integrates into your other programs so that you can make sure that you have a 360-degree understanding of your donors.

Standout Features:

Qgiv offers amazing features such as fundraising thermometers and other gamification techniques, as well as options for donation buttons such as GiftAssist.

GiftAssist gives donors the option to cover the processing costs on their donation, so that more money goes straight to their favorite nonprofit.


Qgiv’s huge suite of features and easy-to-use interface for both nonprofit professionals and donors makes this a powerful donation button provider.

Qgiv's suite of donation software supports their donation buttons everywhere.

Donately is a top donation button provider.

Donately – Best Custom Donation Form Builder

Donation Button Overview:

Donately provides beautiful online donation tools that are fully responsive with any mobile device, so that you can reach your followers wherever, whenever.

They provide donation buttons to both individuals and nonprofits, so whatever you need to raise money for, they’ve got you covered. You can easily share your donation page on social media or through email, too.

Standout Features:

In addition to their custom donation buttons, Donately offers beautiful fundraising pages and donor management solutions. By using their forms, you can track the important information from all of your donations, as well as the ability to input cash or offline donations into your data set.


Donately’s pages are super customizable, so you can easily make your donation button match your individual needs.

Donately's donation buttons are customizable and easy to set up.


iDonate is a top donation button provider.

iDonate – Best Donation Button for Large Nonprofits

Donation Button Overview:

iDonate makes donating super easy by embedding their online fundraising solution right onto your nonprofit’s website, blog, or Facebook page. Their donation buttons are easily customized to fit your brand, and everything is mobile-responsive.

Their multifaceted online giving platform offers everything from text-to-give to peer-to-peer fundraising, and all of their services can stream donor data into either the iDonate Backoffice CRM or into your nonprofit’s existing CRM.

Standout Features:

Our favorite part of iDonate is how easy it makes online and mobile giving for large nonprofits. They offer chapter management solutions so that each branch of your organization is able to fundraise to the best of their ability.

No matter where it needs to be or what it needs to do, a donation button from iDonate can help your large nonprofit optimize its online donation strategy.


iDonate’s combination of hyperfunctional online giving tools and supportive staff are a boon to any nonprofit ready to try a new donation button.

iDonate provides beautiful donation buttons for larger nonprofits.

Congrats! You’re now prepared to choose the right donation button for your nonprofit. If you’re interested in learning more about some other fundraising best practices, don’t hesitate to check out these additional resources:

  • 10 Best Salesforce Apps for Nonprofits. Step up your tech game with these great apps. Take any strategy, from charity auction management to accounting and beyond, to the next level with these suggestions.
  • 15+ Best Crowdfunding Websites. If you’re looking for more information on Fundly, or on any other crowdfunding websites, check out our list of favorites for more options and information.
  • Online Petitions Guide. If you’re engaged in any sort of advocacy, you’re going to want to read this guide from Salsa on the 5 best tips to building your electronic petition. Don’t miss out on these smart strategies!